Akira Toriyama's profound impact on the anime world is undeniable, and recent events have underscored this fact. Following his passing, governments worldwide are acknowledging his contributions to...
A luxurious modern mansion, Casa Paz, located in the heart of Costa Rica's Blue Zone—an area renowned for its exceptional longevity—has been listed for sale at $5.2 million. Situated in Nosara on...
Peso Pluma, the acclaimed Mexican singer, is back in the spotlight after allegations of stealing marijuana from a California dispensary surfaced. A video circulated showing him leaving without...
Karol G and Shakira's breakup anthem "TQG" has surpassed one billion views on YouTube, joining the Billion Views Club. Released on Feb. 24, 2023, as part of Karol's album "Mañana Será Bonito," the...
Bad Bunny is upset with a fan named Eric Garrone for allegedly posting unauthorized footage of his concert on YouTube. In a lawsuit obtained by TMZ, Bad Bunny claims Garrone recorded and uploaded...
Thousands of Colombians marched in major cities to oppose President Gustavo Petro's political, economic, and social reforms, as well as to demand action on deteriorating security. Petro, a leftist...
The Dominican Republic has tightened security measures on its border with Haiti following warnings from Jimmy Cherizier, a gang member aiming to overthrow Haiti's government. Cherizier, also known...
Protesters in Mexico City drove a pickup truck through the door of the presidential palace, where President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was holding a press conference. Police responded by using tear...