TORONTO (Barrio) – Located at 2300 Finch Ave W, Las Fronteras serves up incredible Ecuadorian homestyle cooking.
t’s a small spot run by a powerhouse team; a grandmother, her two daughters, and a granddaughter. The grandmother, Carmen Torres opened this restaurant over 20 years ago after she came to Toronto from Piñas, Ecuador. Her sole reason she says was to make enough money and bring her family to Canada. But she’s been cooking for much longer than that.
Her granddaughter Marcela Silva says, “A lot of people knew her because back home she had a little restaurant in the supermarket. At first it was her mom that had it and then passed it to her. People from Piñas they say ‘Oh she’s here now,’ because she was really popular. This is her life.
Las Fronteras has a loyal following in the local Ecuadorian community, but even as people have moved to other parts of the GTA, they still drive in for Carmen’s cooking. Marcela says that Carmen has no intentions of slowing down anytime soon.

Visit Las Fronteras
Source: CBC