Peso Pluma delivered a powerful performance at the 2024 Governors Ball on June 9, headlining with an hour-long set. The 24-year-old Mexican superstar energized the New York crowd with an enthusiastic greeting and brought special guests Jasiel Nuñez and Rich the Kid on stage to perform “Rosa Pastel” and “Gimme a Second,” respectively. He also played hits like “Ella Baila Sola,” “PRC,” and “La Bebe,” and debuted his new single “La Durango.”
Despite suffering a misstep during the performance and choosing to continue without a chair brought by a crew member, Peso remained undeterred, telling the audience, “If I have it fractured, I don’t give a s— because you all deserve a grand show!” The next day, he confirmed his injury on Instagram but expressed his gratitude for the audience’s energy.
In April, Peso took the main stage at Coachella, delivering a grand performance with elaborate set designs and dozens of backup dancers. He surprised the audience by bringing out stars like Anitta, Becky G, and Eslabon Armado. Reflecting on the performance, he told PEOPLE, “I think a lot of people didn’t know what to expect and I love that we took them all by surprise with our creativity and visuals. I wanted to take fans on a journey, tell a story.” He emphasized the significance of his guests, stating, “It’s part of Peso Pluma’s journey and without them, it wouldn’t be the same. It’s a huge win for the culture and for music.”