Adidas has once again pushed the boundaries of innovation with a groundbreaking collaboration between two Latin megastars: Lionel Messi and Bad Bunny. The German sportswear giant, renowned for its...
The Pisco Sour is a refreshing cocktail made with pisco, lime juice, sugar, bitters, and egg white, and holds a special place in the hearts of both Peruvians and Chileans. While its exact origins...
Cocaine production in Colombia surged by 53% in 2023, reaching a record high of 2,600 tons, according to a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The area under coca cultivation also...
Mexico's navy made a historic drug bust on Friday, seizing 8.4 tonnes of illicit drugs worth more than 2 billion pesos (approximately $100 million USD) in a maritime operation off the Pacific coast...
Colombia has been recognized as the most beautiful country in Latin America and the third most beautiful in the world, according to a Forbes report based on research by The study ranked...
Nicaragua announced on Friday that it has cut diplomatic ties with Israel in a show of solidarity with the Palestinian people, according to a report by Anadolu. The decision, reached unanimously by...
Argentina has seen a significant drop in beef consumption, the steepest in 30 years, largely due to the decline in purchasing power caused by the country's soaring inflation. According to the...
The recent drive-by shooting in the town of Durán, Ecuador, is part of a violent surge connected to ongoing conflicts between two notorious gangs: the Latin Kings and the Chone Killers. This attack,...