Aventura, led by frontman Romeo Santos, has commenced their Cerrando Ciclos tour, delighting fans with beloved hits. The tour kicked off in Sacramento, Calif., at the Golden 1 Center arena, featuring anthems like “Dile Al Amor” and “Por Un Segundo.” This marks their first tour since the pre-COVID Inmortal Tour in 2020, which grossed $25.8 million. Santos expressed his intention to close chapters and embrace new experiences with Cerrando Ciclos, emphasizing the need to move forward. Produced by CMN Events, the tour will visit major cities across the U.S. before heading to Spain and Puerto Rico.
Here’s the setlist for Aventura’s Cerrando Ciclos Tour kickoff show:
- Por Un Segundo
- Ni Nińa Cambio
- El Desprecio
- La Boda
- Los Infieles
- Llorar
- Dile Al Amor
- Angelito
- Enseńame a Olvidar
- Te Invito
- 9:15
- Todavia Me Amas
- Brindo Con Agua
- El Malo
- El Perdedor
- Mi Coranzoncito
- Su Veneno
- Mujeriego
- Amor de Madre
- La Pelicula
- La Tormenta
- Volvio La Traicionera
- Our Song
- Hermanita
- Deja Vu
- Yo Quisiera Amarla
- Tu Juegito
- Trampa de Amor
- Un Poeta Enamorado
- Amor Bonito
- No Lo Perdona Dios
- Cuando Volveras
- Alexandra
- Volvi
- Obsesion