Actor Sofía Vergara is facing legal action in connection with an upcoming Netflix series centered around the late Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco, also known as the “Cocaine Godmother” for her dominance in the 1980s Miami drug trade.
Blanco’s adult children have filed a lawsuit against both Vergara and Netflix, alleging the unauthorized use of the family’s image and likeness for the show “Griselda,” as reported by TMZ and Entertainment Tonight on Friday.
This development has emerged just before the scheduled premiere of the series on Thursday. In the lawsuit, Blanco’s son claims that since 2009, he has been shopping around his and his mother’s life stories with the intention of developing them into a production. Netflix showed interest during that period, he stated.
The son, who has previously shared stories about his mother in various public interviews, contends that despite the streamer’s assurance not to incorporate his anecdotes, the upcoming series heavily relies on them, and he has not received any compensation.
As per the lawsuit, Blanco’s children are seeking a court injunction to halt the release of the show.