BARRIO (Powder) – Late last month, Ski Portillo was hit with the sort of snowstorm that happens rarely — if at all — during any given winter. By the end of that storm cycle, the resort had received eight feet of snow.
If that was the final hurrah of winter in Chile, I imagine no one would be particularly upset — it’s hard to complain after an eight-foot dump.
Yet, despite already fulfilling their seasonal duties, the Snow Gods continue to deliver at Ski Portillo. Winter, it seems, is just getting started. Here’s a snowfall update from Ski Portillo shared yesterday, September 4th.
At the time of sharing this post, Ski Portillo had received 17 inches of snow, small-fry stuff compared to the previous storm, but still nothing to bat your eye at.
The resort has now seen roughly 200 inches of snow this season.
While Ski Portillo’s access roads are currently closed, 11 of its 14 lifts are open for skier use.
As for snow conditions, they’ve been about as bomber as you’d expect. Here’s a Ski Portillo video update from skier Andrew Rumph earlier this week.